Each country has a different culture and some interesting traditions. Georgia is one of those unique countries with a very old history. I have been living in Georgia for 3 years and I learn so much interesting facts about Georgia. Now, I’d like to share all the information I have learned so far in this article. Here is my list of the most interesting facts about Georgia…

Interesting Facts About Georgia Country

Georgia’s name is not Georgia. 🙂 Georgians call their country Sakartvelo. Although it is not known where the name Georgia originated exactly, it is believed that St. George was the protector of Georgia and therefore this name may have been given in the Middle Ages.

Georgians celebrate Christmas on 7th of January, as the Georgian Orthodox Church use the old Julian calendar for their religious holidays. Their traditional Christmas tree is also different, it’s called chichilaki and made from dried hazelnut or walnut branches.

Georgians celebrate the New Year twice in a year. The first one is on 1st of January as usual and the second on is on 14th of January. This is not a formal holiday, it’s just traditionally celebrated as the start of the New Year by the Julian calendar.

In Georgia, January 2 is known as Bedoba, the day of luck. It’s not a formal holiday but an ancient Georgian tradition that how you spend the day is believed to determine your new year.

The Ultimate Tbilisi Travel Guide

Their language is not spoken anywhere else in the world. Their alphabets are also unique, consisting of 33 letters and there is no uppercase letters.

In most parts of the world, Dad/Dada and similar words mean dad, Mommy/Mama and similar words mean mom, while in Georgian it’s the opposite: Dada means mom, Mama means dad.

The highest permanent settlements of Europe is located in Georgia: Ushguli and Bochorna villages are at 2100 – 2345 meters high.

The name Tbilisi comes from the hot springs in the city. “Tbili” means warm in Georgian and “Tbilisi” means warm place.

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The deepest cave in the world is located in Georgia. Veryovkina Cave is the deepest known cave in the world with a depth of 2212 meters.

The world’s oldest wine was produced in Georgia about 8000 years ago. Also, their traditional wine production methods are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

In Georgia, there is a Tamada, traditional Georgian toastmaster, at dinner parties. The most respected person on the table is given this responsibility, speaks before the meal begins, then the guests raise their glasses and drink.

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Former Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin was born in Georgia. He was born in Gori, a city one hour away from Tbilisi, and there is a Stalin museum in the city.

In some apartments, lifts work only with coins, you can not use them without putting money.

I hope you like this article, if so please don’t forget to like and share. I’ll add more information whenever I learn new ones. If you know anything interesting about Georgia, please feel free to comment below.

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